A black and white portrait of Mandy Steele of PA HD-33 from the waist up, smiling and looking into the camera.
Election Date: Nov 5, 2024 Pennsylvania HD-33

Mandy Steele

Rep. Mandy Steele was born and raised in southwest Pennsylvania and proudly represents her community in the state House.

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About Mandy

Rep. Mandy Steele was born and raised in southwest Pennsylvania and proudly represents her community in the state House. This November, she’s running to protect the hard-won Democratic majority that has successfully blocked countless far-right bills. Before joining the legislature, Mandy broke barriers as the first woman ever elected to her town’s council. As a local leader, she put her passion for environmental preservation into practice by leading the charge for sustainable infrastructure and early adoption of solar energy. It’s critical that we return Mandy to Harrisburg so she can continue fighting for the Keystone State.

  • A strong advocate for women’s right to health care and bodily autonomy
  • Supports transit investment for economic growth and the sustainability of community and small businesses
Oklahoma Election Date: Nov 5, 2024
Oklahoma HD-100
Chaunté Gilmore
A black and white image of Chaunté Gilmore of Oklahoma House district one hundred from the waist up smiling and looking into the camera.