David Yancey Is No Gun Safety Moderate

Press Releases

WASHINGTON — Republican Delegate David Yancey is trying to cover up his extreme positions on guns by floating legislation that would do nothing to stem the epidemic of mass shootings in Virginia. 

“This year alone, Virginia has averaged one mass shooting a month — and there’s no evidence to show David Yancey’s legislation would do anything to have stopped them or prevent future mass shootings,” said Matt Harringer, press secretary for Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee. “He’s floating half-measures to cover up his NRA ‘A’ rating and campaign cash from the gun lobby.”

Just two weeks from a special session on gun safety, Yancey is “floating” the idea of proposing legislation that would cut jail time for state prisoners who help lead to the recovery of illegal guns — a half-measure that falls far short of legislation introduced and supported by Democrats to immediately address Virginia’s gun violence crisis. 

His real record: Yancey has received an “A” rating from the NRA and taken $1,250 from the gun lobby. In exchange for their support, he has been completely silent on or opposed:


“Virginians of both parties overwhelmingly support these commonsense gun safety proposals and, after another mass shooting in the commonwealth, they deserve to know where David Yancey stands on them,” Harringer said. “Will he have the courage to support real gun safety, will he call for votes on the floor — or will he continue to hide behind platitudes and half measures?”