Election Date: Nov 8, 2022 Iowa HD 42

Heather Matson

Heather Matson has devoted her life to public service and civic engagement.

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About Heather

Heather Matson has devoted her life to public service and civic engagement. As a public policy advocate, community leader, and state legislator, Heather has consistently enacted change for her community. Hearing the needs of her neighbors and fellow Iowans,  Heather will continue to fight to prioritize education, health care, and sustainable economic growth. Heather is ready to return to the House to fight for students and ensure a bright future for the next generation of Iowans. 


Iowa Election Date: Jan 28, 2025
Iowa SD-35
Mike Zimmer
A black and white portrait of Mike Zimmer, candidate for Iowa Senate District thirty five, smiling and looking into the camera.