Election Date: Nov 8, 2022 Alaska SD I

Löki Gale Tobin

Löki Gale Tobin is a policy expert, a proud graduate of the University of Alaska Anchorage, and an avid community advocate.

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About Löki Gale

Löki Gale Tobin is a policy expert, a proud graduate of the University of Alaska Anchorage, and an avid community advocate. As policy director for Senator Tom Begich, she learned firsthand how to translate passion for one’s community into practical policy and meaningful change. Löki Gale is excited to join the legislature to help expand access to quality public education, ensure that every community is safe, and grow local economies through key infrastructure improvements

Iowa Election Date: Jan 28, 2025
Iowa SD-35
Mike Zimmer
A black and white portrait of Mike Zimmer, candidate for Iowa Senate District thirty five, smiling and looking into the camera.