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RELEASE: Alabama Republicans’ Inadequate IVF Law Highlights Stakes of Upcoming State House Special Election

Press Releases

Marilyn Lands is running for Alabama state House District 10 in a competitive special election on March 26th

WASHINGTON —  Alabama Republicans have scrambled to patch together a solution following the Alabama Supreme Court’s devastating IVF ruling. Unfortunately, the bill signed into law today by Republican Gov. Kay Ivey fails to address the crux of the issue: reproductive rights are not safe as long as Republicans control state legislatures in Alabama and across the country. Republicans will stop at nothing to attack reproductive rights and have proven they will jump any hurdle to push dangerous and extreme abortion bans. 

Republicans’ failure to address this issue highlights the importance of electing true champions of reproductive freedom to the Alabama state legislature, and a special election on March 26th provides a chance to do just that. 

DLCC Spotlight candidate Marilyn Lands is running in a razor-tight race in House District 10. She’s made reproductive freedom a cornerstone of her platform and shared her own abortion story last month. This district is a true battleground, and Marilyn’s victory would put Republicans on notice that attacks on reproductive freedom carry serious electoral consequences. State legislatures across the country are on the frontlines of determining access to the full spectrum of reproductive care, and electing Democrats is the only way to protect against MAGA Republicans’s anti-women and anti-health care agenda.

Alabama HD-10 Candidate Marilyn Lands issued the following statement:

“This short-term solution does not fully restore the freedom and security Alabama families deserve. We need to repeal Alabama’s no-exceptions abortion ban. We need to provide a real guarantee to Alabama families that access to IVF and contraception will be protected. And we need to expand Medicaid and invest in our rural hospitals to reduce Alabama’s record maternal mortality rate.”

Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee National Press Secretary Sam Paisley issued the following statement:

“Alabama Republicans have shown how ill-equipped they are to deliver the solutions needed to address their manufactured crisis around reproductive health care. Alabama deserves a true champion for IVF services and abortion access, which is why electing Marilyn Lands to the state legislature this month is so important. Her victory would be an earthquake political moment that sends a strong signal that voters will hold the  GOP accountable for their dangerous attacks on reproductive rights – even in GOP-controlled states. 

“We know the fight for reproductive freedoms is far from over in Alabama and in statehouses across the country. States will continue to be on the frontlines shaping the reality that women face in terms of access to essential reproductive care. This will remain a critical issue in 2024, and electing Democrats to state legislatures across the country is the strongest way to protect fundamental reproductive freedoms in post-Dobbs America.”

The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC) is the official Democratic Party committee dedicated to winning America’s state legislatures and building state infrastructure. Over the last decade, we have fought cycle-over-cycle to gain a dozen new legislative chamber majorities and we are leading the effort to bring national attention and investment to our ballot level. State legislatures are the building blocks of our democracy and have the closest connections to Americans’ day-to-day lives. From protecting fundamental freedoms and voting rights to growing the middle class, the DLCC and state legislators are moving the Democratic agenda forward and shaping the future of this country.
