DLCC Convenes Inaugural Session of Candidate Recruitment Table

Press Releases


March 21, 2017

Carolyn Fiddler
National Communications Director

[email protected]

DLCC Convenes Inaugural Session of Candidate Recruitment Table
The Combine Coordinates Recruitment Efforts from Across the Progressive Community

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee Executive Director Jessica Post led 20 groups in the first meeting of The Combine, DLCC’s recruitment table. DLCC’s Combine coordinates and streamlines efforts from across the progressive community to identify and recruit talented state legislative candidates. Today’s meeting included participants from EMILY’s List, Emerge, Run for Something, organized labor, and beyond, and it comes on the heels of Friday’s successful It Starts In The States strategy session, which gave groups new to down-ballot politics insight into how DLCC deploys its tools, data, and expertise in all 50 states to win statehouse elections.

“Today’s convening of The Combine is the most crucial recruiting event in Democratic politics,” said Post. “The stakes for successful recruitment in the thousands of statehouse races on the ballot next year represent the future of the Democratic Party. Not only will the candidates recruited for these elections build out the party’s bench, but many of them also will help determine the balance of power in the next round of redistricting. The work to recruit candidates at this scale is challenging and complex, but with the support of our allies, DLCC has the tools and expertise to get it done.

“This meeting is the first of many to come,” Post continued. “The Combine will help coordinate and maximize efforts by Democrats and progressives to recruit the best legislative candidates in every state while diagnosing and remedying gaps in local recruiting infrastructure and practices. DLCC has been thrilled to spearhead the shift in progressive politics that tilted attention towards state-level elections and campaigns – a shift that has already manifested in a series of special election victories in recent months, as well as record-setting candidate recruitment in Virginia. DLCC is pleased to contribute yet another weapon to the Democratic arsenal as we work to build Democratic power in states and fight back against Trump’s GOP at all levels of government.”

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