Protecting our future starts in the states:

As extremists threaten our federal government, the DLCC is fighting year-round to defeat Project 2025 in our state legislatures.

Black and white headshot of Aaron Rouse, Virginia SD-22, smiling and looking directly into the camera.
Election Date: Nov 7, 2023 Virginia SD-22

Aaron Rouse

Aaron Rouse is a non-profit leader and former NFL player who flipped his Virginia Senate seat blue in a January special election.

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About Aaron

Aaron Rouse is a non-profit leader and former NFL player. In a January 2023 special election, Aaron flipped a historically red Virginia Senate district in a race where abortion rights were a top issue. Now, he’s ready to defend his seat in this November’s election and continue his work advocating for working families and accessible, quality health care. 

  • Former Virginia Beach city council member who’s championed infrastructure improvements and increased mental health funding
  • As a father of two young public school students, Aaron is a fighter for raising teacher salaries, modernizing classrooms, and ensuring universal pre-K
Delaware Election Date: Feb 15, 2025
Delaware SD-05
Ray Seigfried
a black and white portrait of Ray Seigfried, Democratic candidate for Delaware Senate district five, smiling and looking into the camera.