Black and white headshot of Andre DeBerry, Mississippi SD-10, smiling and looking directly into the camera.
Election Date: Nov 7, 2023 Mississippi SD-10

Andre DeBerry

Andre DeBerry wants Mississippi to be a state where working-class families can come together to build communities that uplift everyone.


About Andre

Andre DeBerry wants Mississippi to be a state where working-class families can come together to build communities that uplift everyone. He’s running for the state Senate to increase funding for infrastructure, education, and rural health services.  His commitment to the well-being of future generations forms the core of Andre’s beliefs as he hits the streets to speak directly with the district residents he hopes to represent in Jackson.

  • Served the City of Holly Springs as alderman, vice mayor, and mayor for over 30 years
  • Guided by a desire to build a brighter future for his children and grandchildren
Minnesota Election Date: Mar 11, 2025
Minnesota HD-40B
David Gottfried
a black and white portrait of David Gottfried, candidate for Minnesota House District forty B, smiling and looking into the distance