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Election Date: Nov 8, 2022 Colorado HD 59

Barbara McLachlan

Representative Barbara McLachlan has spent her life building a prosperous future for her home state as a former educator, fourth-generation Coloradan, and current legislator.

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About Barbara

Representative Barbara McLachlan has spent her life building a prosperous future for her home state as a former educator, fourth-generation Coloradan, and current legislator. Barbara won numerous awards and helped students launch Durango High School’s first Gay-Straight Alliance during her tenure as a teacher. As a legislator, she fights for quality education and economic prosperity for rural communities. 

  • Advocate for expanded rural broadband access
  • Helped create educator stipends to increase the number of quality teachers in rural areas 
  • Dedicated to protecting Colorado’s natural resources and agriculture
Michigan Election Date: Apr 16, 2024
Michigan HD-25
Peter Herzberg