Election Date: Nov 8, 2022 Pennsylvania HD 160

Cathy Spahr

Cathy Spahr —a southeastern Pennsylvania native — has built strong public service roots as an employee of Newtown Township and Delaware County.


About Cathy

Cathy Spahr —a southeastern Pennsylvania native — has built strong public service roots as an employee of Newtown Township and Delaware County.  Cathy’s experience as a transportation planner has given her a unique perspective of how government can impact the community it serves. In the House, Cathy will bring years of leadership experience to continue advocating for Delaware County and all Pennsylvanians. 

  • Supporter of common-sense gun legislation
  • Fighter for more resources to tackle the opioid crisis
  • Advocate for affordable and accessible childcare
Oklahoma Election Date: Nov 5, 2024
Oklahoma HD-100
Chaunté Gilmore
A black and white image of Chaunté Gilmore of Oklahoma House district one hundred from the waist up smiling and looking into the camera.