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Election Date: Nov 8, 2022 North Carolina HD 98

Christy Clark

Christy Clark is a dedicated community advocate running for state legislature to prevent gun violence, improve public schools, and expand affordable health care.

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About Christy

Christy Clark is a dedicated community advocate running for the state legislature to prevent gun violence, improve public schools, and expand affordable health care. Christy is an environmental champion and has worked to protect North Carolina from dangerous polluters. With her experience as a public school educator, Christy is ready to return to the capitol to serve HD-98 and help move North Carolina forward. 

  • Brings experience as an educator to the fight for high-quality education
  • Prioritizes environmental protections and investments in clean energy 
North Carolina Election Date: Nov 5, 2024
North Carolina HD-98
Beth Helfrich
A black and white image of Beth Helfrich of North Carolina House District Ninety-Eight showing her from the waist smiling and looking into the camera.