Election Date: Nov 8, 2022 Michigan SD 30

David LaGrand

Representative David LaGrand, a lawyer and small-business owner, has been a fierce advocate for public safety since his election to the House in 2015.

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About David

Representative David LaGrand, a lawyer and small-business owner, has been a fierce advocate for public safety since his election to the House in 2015. Passionate about criminal justice reform, David has spearheaded legislation aimed at rehabilitation and restorative justice. David will push for government transparency, reproductive rights, and green infrastructure projects if re-elected. 

  • Cosponsored a bi-partisan legislative package focused on expunging old and low-level criminal convictions from the public record
  • Introduced a bill expanding green energy infrastructure 
  • Championed legislation to help victims of abuse and sexual assault
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Minnesota HD-40B
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