Black and white headshot of David Olds, Mississippi HD-24, smiling and looking directly into the camera.
Election Date: Nov 7, 2023 Mississippi HD-24

David Olds

A 30-year resident of DeSoto County, David Olds retired from a successful career in sales and management to focus on public service.

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About David

A 30-year resident of DeSoto County, David Olds retired from a successful career in sales and management to focus on public service. He sees a crisis in Mississippi schools – the state fell nearly $300 million short of its own projected budget needs to offer just a baseline public education. David understands that a path forward for his state has to be built on quality education and affordable health care for all, which is why he’s running for a seat in the Mississippi House of Representatives this November.

  • Supports Medicaid expansion as an investment in Mississippians
  • Advocates for fully funding public education
Iowa Election Date: Jan 28, 2025
Iowa SD-35
Mike Zimmer
A black and white portrait of Mike Zimmer, candidate for Iowa Senate District thirty five, smiling and looking into the camera.