Black and white image of Edith Tucker of NH HD-Coos 6 from the waist up, smiling and looking into the camera.
Election Date: Jan 23, 2024 New Hampshire HD-Coos 6

Edith Tucker

Edith Tucker is a former legislator, a community journalist, and a champion for the environment running for the New Hampshire House this January.

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About Edith

Edith Tucker is a former legislator, a community journalist, and a champion for the environment. During her three terms in the state House, she fought tirelessly for local communities, ensuring that New Hampshire’s economy and environment are protected. Edith is excited to return to Concord and is running in a January special election to continue building a better future for Granite State families.

  • Sponsored bills to improve state and municipal infrastructure
  • Champion for common-sense environmental protections including legislation to limit forever chemicals in groundwater
Minnesota Election Date: Mar 11, 2025
Minnesota HD-40B
David Gottfried
a black and white portrait of David Gottfried, candidate for Minnesota House District forty B, smiling and looking into the distance