A black and white image of Farooq Mughal of Georgia House district one hundred and five from the waist up looking into the camera.
Election Date: Nov 5, 2024 Georgia HD-105

Farooq Mughal

Rep. Farooq Mughal is an arbitrator, economic advisor, and business owner running for reelection to the Georgia House.

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About Farooq

Rep. Farooq Mughal is an arbitrator, economic advisor, and business owner running for reelection to the Georgia House. Farooq is determined to fight for sustained growth and stability for Georgia’s working families. During the previous session, he was instrumental in passing legislation to cut red tape for small businesses, protect frontline health care workers, and expand mental health services for veterans. Now Farooq is excited to get back to work in the statehouse with priorities that include improving public education, increasing the accessibility of health care, and restoring reproductive freedom. 

  • Served on the Georgia Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors
  • Former Chair of the Gwinnett County Community Outreach Board
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