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Election Date: Nov 8, 2022 Maine SD 34

Joe Rafferty

Senator Joe Rafferty has always fought for teachers and students, serving as president of a teacher’s union and working as a public school teacher and head football coach for almost four decades.

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About Joe

Senator Joe Rafferty has always fought for teachers and students, serving as president of a teacher’s union and working as a public school teacher and head football coach for almost four decades. In the legislature, Joe has continued his advocacy for public education by working to provide free community college and investing in technical education for Maine high schoolers. Seeking a second term, Joe is committed to bringing high-quality education and affordable health care to all of Maine’s communities. 

  • Lifelong educator and public education champion
  • Advocate for expanded health care 
  • Proponent of reproductive rights protections for all Mainers
North Carolina Election Date: Nov 5, 2024
North Carolina HD-98
Beth Helfrich
A black and white image of Beth Helfrich of North Carolina House District Ninety-Eight showing her from the waist smiling and looking into the camera.