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Black and white headshot of Joshua Thomas, Virginia HD-21, smiling and looking directly into the camera.
Election Date: Nov 7, 2023 Virginia HD-21

Joshua Thomas

Marine Corps veteran Joshua Thomas is from a small southern town where he learned the lessons of hard work and sacrifice.

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About Joshua

Marine Corps veteran Joshua Thomas is from a small southern town where he learned the lessons of hard work and sacrifice.  As an attorney, Josh has worked to improve communities, expand affordable housing, and help entrepreneurs and small businesses grow. Now, Josh is committed to making the American dream a reality for all Virginians.

  • Maintains a pro bono practice representing veterans and LGBTQ+ asylum seekers
  • Committed to ensuring that reproductive health care is protected and private decisions remain between a woman and her doctor
Oregon Election Date: Nov 5, 2024
Oregon SD-27
Anthony Broadman
A black and white portrait of Anthony Broadman of Oregon Senate District 27 from the waist up, smiling and looking into the camera