A black and white waist-up portrait of Judy Johnson, candidate for New Hampshire House District Hillsborough twenty nine, smiling and looking into the camera.
Election Date: Nov 5, 2024 New Hampshire HD-Hillsborough 29

Judy Johnson

Judy Johnson is a small business owner and former public high school teacher running to flip a key New Hampshire House seat blue.

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About Judy

Judy Johnson is a small business owner and former public high school teacher running to flip a key New Hampshire House seat blue. After a twenty-six year teaching career, Judy is acutely aware that strong public schools are the foundation of a thriving community, and, if elected, will fight to ensure New Hampshire schools get the funding they need. Judy wants to do her part to uplift all of her fellow Granite Staters, from prospective parents to senior citizens, by defending the right to reproductive freedom, protecting the environment, and working to reduce the cost of living.  

  • Supports legislative solutions in response to climate change and the need for renewable energy
  • Has officiated over 400 weddings while serving as a Justice of the Peace
Iowa Election Date: Jan 28, 2025
Iowa SD-35
Mike Zimmer
A black and white portrait of Mike Zimmer, candidate for Iowa Senate District thirty five, smiling and looking into the camera.