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Election Date: Nov 8, 2022 New Hampshire HD Hillsborough-45

Karen Calabro

Karen Calabro is a talented physician's assistant, mother of three, and dedicated advocate for her community.

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About Karen

Karen Calabro is a talented physician's assistant, mother of three, and dedicated advocate for her community. After decades of volunteering for local, state, and national Democrats, including hosting former President Obama’s local campaign hub in her home in both 2008 and 2012, Karen is motivated to run for public office to help create a state government that works for everyday people. She is ready to join the House to raise the minimum wage, expand access to affordable housing, and invest in renewable energy sources. 

  • Brings personal experience to fight for more affordable health care
  • Works to incentivize small businesses and protect workers
North Carolina Election Date: Nov 5, 2024
North Carolina HD-98
Beth Helfrich
A black and white image of Beth Helfrich of North Carolina House District Ninety-Eight showing her from the waist smiling and looking into the camera.