Election Date: Nov 5, 2024 Minnesota HD-35B

Kari Rehrauer

Kari Rehrauer is a former science teacher running for the Minnesota House to bring humanity and compassion to the state capitol.

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About Kari

Kari Rehrauer is a former science teacher running for the Minnesota House to bring humanity and compassion to the state capitol. Kari was inspired to action by the 2016 election and is adamant that lawmakers' role is to improve the quality of life for their constituents, not the kind of self-enrichment in which MAGA extremists are engaging. If Kari is elected, she will work to uphold the democratic process, support public education, protect the environment, and safeguard reproductive freedom including access to abortion care. 

  • A union member for over 25 years ready to champion workers and their families
  • Helped expand the local recycling center and develop an action plan for sustainability as a Coon Rapids City Councilor
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a black and white portrait of Dan Cruce, Democratic candidate for Delaware Senate district one, smiling and looking into the camera.