Election Date: Nov 8, 2022 New Mexico HD 44

Kathleen Cates

Kathleen Holmes Cates spent her career in non-profit advocacy advancing the rights of women, children, and the disabled.

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About Kathleen

Kathleen Holmes Cates spent her career in non-profit advocacy advancing the rights of women, children, and the disabled. A resident of the Albuquerque/Rio Rancho area for 25 years, Kathleen brings a proven track record in small business and a commitment to protecting reproductive rights and expanding housing opportunities for all, to her run for state House. 

  • Committed to defending reproductive rights, striving to ensure New Mexico remains a state that prioritizes the right to choose
  • Proposed detailed reforms to take on New Mexico’s housing crisis and provide access to safe, affordable housing while promoting homeownership opportunities for first time home buyers
  • Committed to securing New Mexico’s clean water sources and protecting the environment while strengthening the economy
Delaware Election Date: Feb 15, 2025
Delaware SD-01
Dan Cruce
a black and white portrait of Dan Cruce, Democratic candidate for Delaware Senate district one, smiling and looking into the camera.