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Election Date: Nov 8, 2022 Wisconsin SD-19

Kristin Alfheim

Kristin Alfheim, a member of the LGBTQ+ community, grew up on a rural Wisconsin farm, gaining a passion for rural Wisconsin communities that has motivated her throughout her career.

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About Kristin

Kristin Alfheim, a member of the LGBTQ+ community, grew up on a rural Wisconsin farm, gaining a passion for rural Wisconsin communities that has motivated her throughout her career. An insurance and financial services professional, Kristin has also served her community by working on the Alzheimer’s Association of Greater Wisconsin Board of Directors and serving on her local common council. She is ready to join the Senate to fight for better public education, abundant, good-paying jobs, and a protected environment that helps local farmers and communities thrive. 

North Carolina Election Date: Nov 5, 2024
North Carolina HD-98
Beth Helfrich
A black and white image of Beth Helfrich of North Carolina House District Ninety-Eight showing her from the waist smiling and looking into the camera.