Election Date: Nov 8, 2022 Alaska HD 31

Maxine Dibert

Maxine Dibert — a proud mother and Koyukon Athabascan — worked as a public school teacher for more than twenty years before joining the legislature to advance the fight for universal pre-K and affordable health care.

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About Maxine

Maxine Dibert has been a public school teacher for more than twenty years and was inspired to run for public office after seeing firsthand what students and teachers needed from their government in order to thrive. A proud mother and Koyukon Athabascan, she is motivated to fight for families and communities like hers in the House. 

Iowa Election Date: Jan 28, 2025
Iowa SD-35
Mike Zimmer
A black and white portrait of Mike Zimmer, candidate for Iowa Senate District thirty five, smiling and looking into the camera.