Election Date: Nov 8, 2022 Colorado HD 26

Meghan Lukens

Meghan Lukens —  an educator supporting students to thrive both in and outside the classroom — was inspired to run for office after asking her US History students to think about how they could become more politically active.

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About Meghan

Meghan Lukens  an educator supporting students to thrive both in and outside the classroom was inspired to run for office after asking her US History students to think about how they could become more politically active. Meghan is dedicated to improving the quality of life in rural communities by working to increase affordable housing, protect the environment, and create sustainable, good-paying jobs for current and future generations.

  • Advocate for affordable housing and increased wages 
  • Supports expanding access to prescription drugs
  • Ready to help Colorado invest in renewable energy and bring sustainable jobs to the community
Iowa Election Date: Jan 28, 2025
Iowa SD-35
Mike Zimmer
A black and white portrait of Mike Zimmer, candidate for Iowa Senate District thirty five, smiling and looking into the camera.