Election Date: Nov 8, 2022 New Mexico HD 20

Meredith Dixon

Meredith is trusted by her community to fight for the issues that matter most, including increasing access to health care and strengthening small businesses.

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About Meredith

As a small business owner and current representative, Meredith Dixon knows how to enact policies that improve the lives of all working people. Her track record of fighting for New Mexicans has earned her a long list of endorsements, from the former HD 20 representative to New Mexico U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich. Meredith is trusted by her community to fight for the issues that matter most, including increasing access to health care and strengthening small businesses.

  • Advocate for protecting public school funding, making college more affordable, and creating a system that rewards high-quality educators
  • Committed to funding women’s health services while expanding high-quality, affordable health care for all 
  • Brought strong leadership to the legislature that delivered nearly $1 billion in direct economic benefit to the state, including $300 million for infrastructure projects and $100 million for broadband expansion in New Mexico
Minnesota Election Date: Mar 11, 2025
Minnesota HD-40B
David Gottfried
a black and white portrait of David Gottfried, candidate for Minnesota House District forty B, smiling and looking into the distance