A black and white image of Nate Shannon of Michigan House district fifty-eight from the waist up, smiling and looking into the camera.
Election Date: Nov 5, 2024 Michigan HD-58

Nate Shannon

Rep. Nate Shannon is a former teacher running for reelection to the Michigan House to ensure access to high-quality public schools.

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About Nate

Rep. Nate Shannon is a former teacher running for reelection to the Michigan House. Nate first decided to run for office to ensure all Michiganders have access to high-quality public schools, and since then, he’s helped pass key legislation to achieve that goal. Improving schools is still a top priority for Nate, along with funding first responders, expanding access to health care, revitalizing infrastructure, and protecting the environment.   

  • Formerly served on the Sterling Heights City Council
  • Sponsored legislation to provide economic relief to workers and their families
New York Election Date: Nov 5, 2024
New York SD-52
Lea Webb
A black and white image of Lea Webb of New York Senate district fifty-two from the waist up smiling and looking into the camera.