Election Date: Nov 8, 2022 Michigan HD 20

Noah Arbit

Noah Arbit bravely faced his sexual abuser in court when he was 18 years old and continues to fight for justice to this day.

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About Noah

Noah Arbit bravely faced his sexual abuser in court when he was 18 years old and continues to fight for justice to this day. He went on to have an impressive career in public service, working on Governor Whitmer’s staff, advocating for LGBTQ+ equality, workers' rights, and mental health improvements. If elected, Noah would be the youngest LGBTQ+ person in the state legislature.

  • Dedicated to improving school safety 
  • Committed to fighting against hate crimes
  • Driven by his Jewish faith to protect abortion rights 
Iowa Election Date: Jan 28, 2025
Iowa SD-35
Mike Zimmer
A black and white portrait of Mike Zimmer, candidate for Iowa Senate District thirty five, smiling and looking into the camera.