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Election Date: Nov 8, 2022 New Mexico HD 28

Pamelya Herndon

As a lifelong public servant, Pamelya has worked tirelessly to fight for women and families while employing her legal knowledge to bring about tangible change for all New Mexicans.

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About Pamelya

Pamelya Herndon is a lawyer and "everyday hero," an appointee to New Mexico’s Litigation Division and New Mexico’s 2012 Public Lawyer of the Year. As a lifelong public servant, Pamelya has worked tirelessly to fight for women and families while employing her legal knowledge to bring about tangible change for all New Mexicans.

  • Prioritizes fighting for good-paying jobs and a thriving economy for working-class New Mexicans
  • Committed to improving conditions for teachers and students 
  • Advocates for gender equity and community safety, from equal pay initiatives to protecting people harmed by domestic violence
Michigan Election Date: Apr 16, 2024
Michigan HD-25
Peter Herzberg