Election Date: Nov 8, 2022 New Mexico HD 39

Rudy Martinez

Born and raised in southern New Mexico, former Representative Rudy Martinez understands the needs of his community and advocates tirelessly for improvements to public safety, economic growth, and increased access to health care.

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About Rudy

Born and raised in southern New Mexico, former Representative Rudy Martinez understands the needs of his community and advocates tirelessly for improvements to public safety, economic growth, and increased access to health care. A Vietnam War veteran and a member of IBEW Local 611, Rudy brings his lived experience to the fight for better benefits for veterans and working people.

  • Advocate for public transportation and former vice-chair of the Transportation Committee
  • Helped secure increased school funding as a state representative
  • Worked to provide every New Mexican with access to quality, affordable health care by supporting legislation that protects health care consumers, women, and people with pre-existing conditions
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a black and white portrait of David Gottfried, candidate for Minnesota House District forty B, smiling and looking into the distance