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Election Date: Nov 8, 2022 Pennsylvania HD 3

Ryan Bizzarro

Representative Ryan Biazzarro ー a lifelong resident of Erie County ー learned early on how to be a fighter, having survived leukemia as a child.

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About Ryan

Representative Ryan Biazzarro ー a lifelong resident of Erie County ー learned early on how to be a fighter, having survived leukemia as a child. Ryan began his public service career in the Erie County DA office, later becoming an accomplished leader during his five terms in the House. Ryan will continue to advocate for veterans, the residents of HD-3, and all Pennsylvanians.

North Carolina Election Date: Nov 5, 2024
North Carolina HD-98
Beth Helfrich
A black and white image of Beth Helfrich of North Carolina House District Ninety-Eight showing her from the waist smiling and looking into the camera.