A black and white waist-up portrait of Scott Lawrence, candidate for New Hampshire House District Hillsborough forty three, smiling and looking into the camera.
Election Date: Nov 5, 2024 New Hampshire HD-Hillsborough 43

Scott Lawrence

Scott Lawrence is a retired software engineer running for the New Hampshire House to flip his district blue.

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About Scott

Scott Lawrence is a retired software engineer running for the New Hampshire House to flip his district blue. Scott sees the looming threat of climate catastrophe, and is ready to take action on day one to offset this risk. Addressing the urgent need for sustainable energy is part of Scott’s long term plan for progress in the Granite State. If elected, Scott is also committed to strengthening voting rights and the democratic process, increasing state funding for all levels of public education, and improving public safety by passing common-sense gun legislation.  

  • Volunteers helping homeowners and businesses adopt solar energy systems
  • Champion for personal liberty including the rights to abortion, privacy, and personal expression
Pennsylvania Election Date: Mar 25, 2025
Pennsylvania SD-36
James Malone
a black and white portrait of James Malone, Democratic candidate for Pennsylvania Senate district 36, smiling and looking into the camera.