Election Date: May 17, 2022 Pennsylvania SD 5

Shawn Dillon

Shawn is running for a tough, must-defend Senate seat and is ready to bring years of effective leadership and a fierce love for his community to Harrisburg.

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About Shawn

A lifelong resident of Northeast Philadelphia, Shawn Dillion spent more than 36 years tackling government waste and abuse as an auditor for the Pennsylvania auditor general. Now, Shawn is running for a tough, must-defend Senate seat and is ready to bring years of effective leadership and a fierce love for his community to Harrisburg. 

  • Fights for an increased minimum wage, expanded job training, and accessible union apprenticeships
  • Devoted to fully funding public school classrooms and increasing teacher pay to attract and maintain the highest quality instructors
Delaware Election Date: Feb 15, 2025
Delaware SD-05
Ray Seigfried
a black and white portrait of Ray Seigfried, Democratic candidate for Delaware Senate district five, smiling and looking into the camera.