Election Date: Nov 2, 2021 Virginia HD 94

Shelly Simonds

A teacher for much of her career, Shelly Simonds knows firsthand the needs of students and those in the community.

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About Shelly

A teacher for much of her career, Shelly Simonds knows firsthand the needs of students and those in the community. She flipped this seat blue in 2019 after her 2017 race was infamously tied and has been hard at work for Virginians in the House ever since. Shelly plans to continue her life’s work of pushing for higher teacher pay, a stronger economy, and quality health care.

  • A passionate defender of the environment and supporting clean energy
  • Served on her local school board and fought for students and teachers in her district  
Minnesota Election Date: Mar 11, 2025
Minnesota HD-40B
David Gottfried
a black and white portrait of David Gottfried, candidate for Minnesota House District forty B, smiling and looking into the distance