Election Date: Nov 8, 2022 Maine SD 30

Stacy Brenner

Senator Stacy Brenner built her career as a farmer and small business owner.

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About Stacy

Senator Stacy Brenner built her career as a farmer and small business owner. Since then, she has been a tireless advocate for quality public education and Maine’s environment, working in the legislature to expand Maine’s Educational Opportunity Tax Credit and chairing the House’s Committee on Environment and Natural Resources. Stacy is excited to continue working for SD-30, its coastal communities, and all Maine residents. 

  • Increased funding for Maine’s Health Insurance Assistance Program
  • Worked to expand Maine’s Educational Opportunity Tax Credit
  • Helped establish the Maine Climate Corps
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a black and white portrait of Dan Cruce, Democratic candidate for Delaware Senate district one, smiling and looking into the camera.