Black and white headshot of Travis Nembhard, Virginia HD-22, smiling and looking directly into the camera.
Election Date: Nov 7, 2023 Virginia HD-22

Travis Nembhard

Travis Nembhard is running for office to create a better Virginia for working folks.

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About Travis

Travis Nembhard is running for office to create a better Virginia for working folks. As an attorney, father, and husband of a public school teacher, Travis knows firsthand how resources like universal childcare and paid family leave can improve outcomes for families. Travis is ready to get to work investing in communities across the Commonwealth.  

  • Determined to improve public education for students, teachers, and parents, including ensuring kids receive an accurate history curriculum
  • Committed to investing in infrastructure improvements, preventing price gouging on tolls, and incentivizing green energy projects
Oklahoma Election Date: Nov 5, 2024
Oklahoma HD-100
Chaunté Gilmore
A black and white image of Chaunté Gilmore of Oklahoma House district one hundred from the waist up smiling and looking into the camera.