A black and white image of Vanessa Vaughn West of Kansas House district thirty-nine from the waist up, smiling and looking into the camera.
Election Date: Nov 5, 2024 Kansas HD-39

Vanessa Vaughn West

Vanessa Vaughn West is a management professional focused on inclusion and belonging running for the Kansas House to flip her district blue.

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About Vanessa

Vanessa Vaughn West is a management professional focused on inclusion and belonging running for the Kansas House to flip her district blue. Vanessa wants to be a voice for the people while providing thoughtful, detail-oriented leadership to uplift every member of the community. If she wins her election, she’s committed to working with businesses, constituents, and her fellow lawmakers to find sensible solutions for funding public schools, easing economic burdens on working families, strengthening transit infrastructure, and protecting reproductive freedom.  

  • A champion for inclusive communities whose career is focused on developing and strengthening DEI programs
  • Supports eliminating the sales tax on hygiene products and over-the-counter drugs
Delaware Election Date: Feb 15, 2025
Delaware SD-05
Ray Seigfried
a black and white portrait of Ray Seigfried, Democratic candidate for Delaware Senate district five, smiling and looking into the camera.