DLCC Priority: Special Elections

Join the fight to elect Democrats running in the most critical special elections of the year.

In America’s state legislature elections, there are no off-years or even off-months. Special elections take place year-round across the country, and these races represent important opportunities for us to build and protect Democratic power.

Last cycle, the DLCC won 43 special elections in the states, securing important seat flips and defending majority-deciding races in multiple chambers. This year, the stakes in special elections are even higher, with nearly half a dozen chambers in Minnesota, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Virginia controlled by single-seat majorities. We need to be ready to move quickly to defend these chambers when vacancies inevitably arise.

Upcoming Special Elections

March 25, 2025: Pennsylvania House District 35

In 2024, the DLCC and Pennsylvania House Democrats defended their 1-seat majority when voters elected a 102D-101R chamber. Now a vacancy and majority-making special election to represent House District Thirty-Five gives us a new opportunity to repeat last year’s success.

a black and white portrait of PA HD-35 Democratic candidate, Dan Goughnour looking sternly into the camera.

Spotlight Candidate

Dan Goughnour

Dan Goughnour is a McKeesport Police Department officer running for the Pennsylvania House in a majority-making special election this March.

March 25, 2025: Pennsylvania Senate District 36

The Pennsylvania Senate represents one of Democrats’ best opportunities to build influence in an important chamber and steadily close the gap on Republicans’ majority.

a black and white portrait of James Malone, Democratic candidate for Pennsylvania Senate district 36, smiling and looking into the camera.

Spotlight Candidate

James Malone

James Malone is a public servant from Lancaster County running for the Pennsylvania Senate in a March special election.

2025 Special Election Victories

Virginia House and Senate

In January, DLCC Spotlight candidates JJ Singh and Kannan Srinivasan won two of the first special elections of the year in majority-making races for the Virginia House and Senate. Democrats overperformed to retain both chambers’ one-seat majorities and have entered the 2025 legislative sessions with a strengthened Democratic firewall in the commonwealth.

special election win

JJ Singh

After winning his January special election, JJ Singh is ready to give back to the community by serving in the Virginia House.

A black and white waist-up portrait of Kannan Srinivasan, candidate for Virginia Senate District 32, smiling and looking into the camera.

Special Election Win

Kannan Srinivasan

Kannan Srinivasan won a special election for a seat in the Virginia Senate to protect Democrats’ majority in the chamber.

Iowa Senate

In January, DLCC Spotlight candidate Mike Zimmer pulled off an upset victory for the Iowa Senate, winning a district that Donald Trump carried by 21 points last November. His victory was the first state legislative flip of the cycle and a significant win for Democrats in the first month of the year. The DLCC is continuously on the lookout for opportunities to flip seats in red and blue states.

Special Election Win

Mike Zimmer

Mike Zimmer is a small business owner and educator who flipped his Iowa Senate district in a January special election.

Maine House

DLCC helped defend Maine’s Democratic trifecta in 2024 by narrow margins. After losing a bit of ground last cycle, we can’t afford to take any seats for granted, especially in unpredictable special elections. This race was an opportunity to defend an important district for Democrats and ensure that the Maine House’s hard-won majority doesn’t start to slip away.

a black and white portrait of Sean Faircloth, Democratic candidate for Maine House district 24, smiling and looking into the camera.

Special Election Win

Sean Fair Cloth

Sean Faircloth is a former member of the legislature who won a February special election to join the Maine House and bolster its narrow Democratic majority.

Minnesota House

The Minnesota House is one of the most competitive chambers in the country. Voters elected a tied 67D-67R chamber in 2024, but that hasn’t stopped Republicans from deploying underhanded tactics and power grabs. The DLCC worked directly with the Minnesota House DFL to secure this seat and recently invested $100,000 to support the larger effort to win back a majority.

a black and white portrait of David Gottfried, Democratic candidate for Minnesota House district 40B, smiling and looking past the camera.

Spotlight Candidate

David Gottfried

David Gottfried is a pro bono legal specialist who won a March special election to block GOP control of the Minnesota House.

In the Press

See the DLCC’s Full 2025-2026 Target Map