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In Democratic Wave, DLCC Celebrates Victories From Coast to Coast

Press Releases


November 7, 2017
Mara Sloan
DLCC Communications Director
[email protected]
In Democratic Wave, DLCC Celebrates Victories From Coast to Coast
Democrats pick up 16 seats in Virginia House, flip Washington State Senate, and break supermajority in the GA Senate
WASHINGTON — Tonight DLCC Executive Director Jessica Post announced widespread Democratic victories in statehouses across the country:
“Voters turned out in droves in a direct rebuke of state Republicans and the Trump administration,” said Post. “Americans from coast to coast sent a clear message that when faced with adversity, we will step up and defend our values, safeguard the progress we have made, and push onward. As the major player in the state legislative space, the DLCC is thrilled by these results and looks forward to continuing to strengthen and rebuild the Democratic party from the ground up ahead of 2018 midterms and crucial 2020 redistricting.”
The biggest race of the night was in Washington State where Democrat Manka Dhingra claimed victory in the special election for LD45, flipping the entire state Senate to Democratic control. The DLCC’s substantial contributions in this race on both the coordinated side and independent expenditure side — including financial support totaling over $745,000, data access, paid communications, recruiting volunteers, and more — were crucial in raising national awareness of this race and making sure Manka’s campaign had everything it needed to win.
State Democrats beat Republicans on their own maps in Virginia, tilting chamber control to 50 Democratic seats to Republicans’ 49 seats. Democrats had the most pickups in the House of Delegates since 1899. The DLCC’s early investments in Virginia ensured Democrats had the infrastructure and field programs in place to harness the influx of grassroots enthusiasm that made it possible for Virginians to set a new record by knocking on over one million doors and led to Democrats flipping 16 seats from red to blue.
While in New Jersey, Democrats expanded their already record high majorities in the Legislature, adding one new Democratic Senators and two new Democratic Assemblymembers.
In ruby-red Georgia, we saw three Republican-held seats flip to Democratic control. One of the seats, Senate district 6, will go to a runoff race in December between two Democrats and effectively break the supermajority in the state Senate. With HD-117 and HD-119 in the hands of Democrats, Georgia Democrats are one step closer to their goal of retaking the state’s lower chamber ahead of 2020 redistricting.
“Over the course of the 2017 cycle, the DLCC raised over $10 million to help strengthen Democratic control in statehouses nationwide,” said Post. “The DLCC is proud of the successful programs, critical investments, and strategic actions it took during this cycle, and looks forward to supporting our legislators and candidates in upcoming special elections and throughout the 2018 midterm elections as Democrats prepare for 2020 redistricting.”
VA Flips (16):
Jennifer Carroll Foy, HD-2
Wendy Gooditis, HD-10
Chris Hurst, HD-12,
Danica Roem, HD-13
Kelly Convirs-Fowler, HD-21
David Reid, HD-32
Elizabeth Guzman, HD-31
Donte Tanner, HD-40
Kathy Tran, HD-42
Lee Carter, HD-50
Hala Ayala, HD-51
Karrie Delaney, HD-67
Dawn Adams, HD-68
Schuyler VanValkenburg, HD-72
Debra Rodman, HD-73
Cheryl Turpin, HD-85
Other VA wins:
Kathleen Murphy, HD-34
Jennifer Boysko, HD-86
John Bell, HD-87
Jay Jones, HD-89
Mike Mullin, HD-93
GA Flips:
Deborah Gonzalez, HD-117
Jonathan Wallace, HD-119
SD6 will see a runoff in December between two democrats – Jaha Howard and Jen Jordan, and will effectively break the Republican super Majority in the Senate.
NJ Flips:
Troy Singleton, LD-7
Vin Gopal, LD-11
NH Flip:
Erika Connors, NH HD Hillsborough-15
WA Flip:
Manka Dhingra, LD-45
Other wins:
John Armato, NJ AD-2
Roy Freiman, NJ AD-16
Sara Cambensy, MI HD-109
Marvin Pendarvis, SC HD-113
Brian Kavanagh, NY S-26
Daniel Rosenthal, NY AD-27
Alfred Taylor, AD-71
Brian Sullivan, NH Sullivan-1
John Barrett, MA – HD 1 Berkshire
For more information on this race or any of tonight’s elections or to schedule an interview with the DLCC, please contact Mara Sloan at [email protected]. The DLCC will continue to send critical updates.
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