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Democrats Bridget Malloy Kosierowski and Movita Johnson-Harrell Win Pennsylvania Special Elections

Press Releases
March 12, 2019
Brad Bauman
[email protected]
Democrats Bridget Malloy Kosierowski and Movita Johnson-Harrell Win Pennsylvania Special Elections
Pennsylvania House Districts 114, 190 end in Democratic Victories
WASHINGTON — Tonight in Pennsylvania, Democrats Bridget Malloy Kosierowski and Movita Johnson-Harrell won special elections for the 114th and 190th House Districts.
“Tonight’s wins in Pennsylvania are remarkable victories for Pennsylvania Democrats on more than one front,” said DLCC Executive Director Jessica Post.
“Representative-Elect and DLCC Spotlight Candidate Bridget Malloy Kosierowski will be a force in Harrisburg, working to raise the minimum wage, fight for affordable health care, and fully fund Pennsylvanian schools. This hard-fought win in PA 114 keeps Democrats on the path to removing a Republican House majority that at every turn pushes an agenda harmful to Pennsylvania families. Representative-Elect Kosierowski is the public servant that the Scranton area deserves, and she will serve as the people’s voice, a civic leader fighting for what’s right.
“In Pennsylvania House District 190, Movita Johnson-Harrell’s victory makes her the first Muslim woman to be elected into the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. Having experienced loss from gun violence firsthand, Johnson-Harrell is a long standing community activist on gun violence prevention, and even established a foundation in memory of her late son which works to empower the community to push for gun violence prevention.
“We congratulate Representatives-Elect Kosierowski and Johnson-Harrell on their historic victories.”
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