DLCC Announces Iowa Spotlight Candidates

Press Releases

WASHINGTON — The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee has unveiled its second round of Spotlight candidates in Iowa, where Democrats only need to flip four House seats to gain the majority. Iowa is a top DLCC target state this year, and after winning five House seats in 2018 and coming within just over 500 votes of flipping the chamber, Democrats are poised to flip the House from red to blue this November for the first time in over a decade and make gains in the Senate.

“Iowa is a top battleground from the presidential race down to state legislative elections this year, and Democrats are on total offense,” said Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee President Jessica Post. “Republicans are retiring from the Iowa legislature in droves because they’re afraid to face the repercussions of their failed leadership at the ballot box. Our Democratic candidates will put their constituents first in Des Moines and work towards a better future for Iowans.”

Last year, Iowa’s longest-serving GOP legislator switched parties in response to the damage Donald Trump has done to the country, and this year, several Republican state lawmakers announced their retirements — including the House majority leader. Between that, record-breaking primary voter turnout, and Democrats running more candidates than Republicans, Democrats are well-suited to make big gains in November.

This incredible slate of 12 Spotlight candidates will help achieve that goal:

Iowa is a top target state in the DLCC’s $50 million “Flip Everything” campaign to win legislative majorities across the country. Since Trump’s election, the DLCC and state Democrats have flipped more than 450 seats and 10 legislative chambers from red to blue.
