DLCC Announces New Senior Staff Ahead of 2021-22 Cycle

Press Releases

WASHINGTON — The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee is announcing two new senior staff members as the committee prepares for the 2021-22 election cycle. Gabrielle Chew will serve as the vice president of communications and Lindsey Miller will become the vice president of research. These two new senior team members bring extensive experience in politics and their respective fields to the DLCC ahead of a crucial redistricting battle and midterm cycle.

“I’m thrilled to announce that Gabrielle Chew and Lindsey Miller will be joining our leadership team at the DLCC,” said Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee President Jessica Post. “They each bring considerable talent, a unique skill set, and substantial political experience to the organization. The DLCC is bringing top-tier talent on board as we prepare to fight for fair maps, defend our majorities, and build Democratic power across the country.”


Gabrielle Chew, Vice President of Communications 

Gabrielle Chew is a seasoned political communications professional with a decade worth of experience developing national communication campaigns. Prior to joining the DLCC, Gabrielle developed targeted messaging campaigns around the economy, education, and health care for the House Democratic Caucus, congressional races in the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives, and the non-profit sector. She also crafted and implemented strategic messaging for the 55-member Congressional Black Caucus as the communications director. Gabrielle previously served as the spokesperson for the House Democratic Policy & Communication Committee and Virginia Rep. Bobby Scott. A Hampton University grad, her favorite holiday is the 4th of July, and she can never turn down a Krispy Kreme donut.

Lindsey Miller, Vice President of Research

Lindsey Miller was promoted to vice president of research after serving as the DLCC’s research director for the 2020 cycle. She has previously worked as deputy campaign manager for Martin Heinrich’s Senate campaign, at the DNC, and at the DSCC. Her dearest ambition is to not exist on the internet, so she provided this biography under duress. 

