DLCC Calls on New Mexico Republicans To Condemn Use of Racist Mailers

Press Releases

WASHINGTON — The Republican Party of New Mexico sent out mailers targeting Democrats running for the House in several different districts across the state that purposely altered the skin tone used in a stock image. The mailer describes a “sex offender” cutting a child’s hair and the stock image chosen was photoshopped to darken the skin, evoking harmful racial stereotypes. The DLCC is calling on Republican candidates and lawmakers to condemn their party’s despicable use of racist imagery to benefit their political campaigns. 

“Cycle after cycle, Republicans resort to desperate race-baiting ads and this year is no different. The Republican Party of New Mexico should apologize for using racist imagery and the candidates these mailers benefit must condemn these despicable tactics,” said DLCC President Jessica Post. “The New Mexico GOP is totally out of step with the values of New Mexicans and are hoping to distract from their MAGA Republican agenda. Evoking racial stereotypes in voter communications should have no place in the political arena. If GOP candidates refuse to condemn this imagery, we must assume they’re comfortable with dog-whistle ads being wielded on behalf of their campaigns.”

Depicted here is the stock photo and the image used on the mailers, which have been sent in House districts 20, 27, 29, 30, 36, 39, 52, and potentially more: 
