DLCC Celebrates Second Consecutive Victory of the Trump Era

Press Releases


February 7, 2017

Carolyn Fiddler
National Communications Director

[email protected]

DLCC Celebrates Second Consecutive Victory of the Trump Era
Democrat Jeff Bourne Wins Virginia Special Election in a Landslide

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee Executive Director Jessica Post commended Democrat Jeff Bourne on his landslide win in the special election for Virginia House District 71.

“Congratulations to Delegate-elect Bourne on his success tonight,” said Post. “An outstanding legislative candidate with a strong background in public service has won the second consecutive election since President Trump’s inauguration – a crucial contrast to an administration already rife with desperation and incompetence. DLCC is thrilled by Del.-elect Bourne’s victory. He reflects both Democratic and Virginia values, and his win is just one of many electoral victories to come for down-ballot Democrats as voters reject the Trump administration’s extreme and bigoted agenda.”

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