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DLCC Denounces North Carolina GOP’s HB2 Meltdown

Press Releases


December 21, 2016

Carolyn Fiddler
National Communications Director
[email protected]

Executive Director Derides Failure to Repeal Law to Restore Rights

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee Executive Director Jessica Post lambasted Republican lawmakers in North Carolina for their time- and money-wasting failure to repeal the anti-LGBT and anti-local authority HB2 in yet another special session.

“North Carolina Republicans not only reneged on the deal they struck in good faith with local authorities in Charlotte to repeal HB2, but they couldn’t even manage to hold a full vote on their bad-faith bill,” said Post. “Repealing HB2 would restore many LGBT rights, restore local control over wages, and much more. Instead of presenting a clean repeal, Republican lawmakers tried to weasel out of their deal. But after calling lawmakers to Raleigh just days before the holiday for special session to repeal this outrageous law, Republicans couldn’t even agree on how to fail to hold up their end of the bargain. And In the process, they wasted tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars.

“North Carolina GOP lawmakers didn’t hesitate to coalesce around efforts to strip the incoming Democratic governor of crucial aspects of his authority when they convened last week’s special session,” continued Post. “But when they’re called on to actually govern, to do something that not only helps their constituents but also will bring back the hundreds of millions of business dollars lost because of HB2, they failed. North Carolinians deserve better.”

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