DLCC Grassroots Victory Program Announces Record-Breaking Ground Game

Press Releases

September 18, 2016

Carolyn Fiddler
National Communications Director

[email protected]

GVP-Trained Organizers Reach Out to Over 5 Million Voters to Produce Democratic Victories in November

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee Executive Director Jessica Post announced that DLCC’s Grassroots Victory Program reached a crucial 5 million voter outreach milestone.

“Grassroots outreach is essential to down-ballot Democratic victories in November, and I’m thrilled to announce that the Grassroots Victory Program has already resulted in 5,006,691 doors knocked and phones called in targeted state legislative districts across the country,” said Post. “By knocking on 3,423,160 doors and making 1,583,801 calls across 20 states since our kickoff training in June, GVP-trained organizers are working side-by-side with state legislative candidates to execute the field work crucial to Democrats’ state-level successes this fall. The 2016 election cycle provides a unique opportunity for Democratic state legislative candidates to win landmark victories, and with hundreds of statehouse races each cycle decided by under 500 votes, GVP outreach is a key component of DLCC’s path to victories in November.”

Now in its third cycle, GVP is DLCC’s national field operation that arms in-state organizers with the skills, training, and technology needed to run winning grassroots outreach campaigns. The program kicked off in June with an innovative three-day training that engaged organizers from all over the country in intensive, simulation-style trainings and armed them with targeting tools needed to make data-driven decisions and implement robust and effective door-to-door voter contact programs. To date, 20 GVP trainings have been held nationwide, and almost 400 GVP-trained organizers have been deployed in 20 states.

On-the-ground GVP-trained organizers helped tip the scales in some of the closest races in the country last cycle; in districts where these organizers were deployed in 2014, Democrats won 70 districts by fewer than 1,000 votes, including districts critical to holding Democratic majorities in chambers in Colorado, Iowa, Maine, and Oregon. In 2012, 483 legislative elections nationwide were decided by 500 votes or fewer.

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