DLCC Hits $50 Million Cycle Goal

Press Releases

WASHINGTON — The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee and affiliated organizations announced $50 million raised for this cycle, which is five times the amount raised in the entirety of the last redistricting cycle. With this milestone, the DLCC reached the goal of its $50 million “Flip Everything” campaign to win back legislative majorities across the country ahead of redistricting. This comes after the DLCC reported the best first-, second-, and third-quarter fundraising in its history.

On Monday, October 26th — the day of Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation to the Supreme Court — the DLCC had its best online fundraising day ever.

“Thanks to record-breaking fundraising and energetic grassroots support, Democrats are investing more money than ever in state legislative races,” said Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee President Jessica Post. “Our fundraising has put the Republicans on defense in legislative races for the first time in the last decade. They’re not used to this level of competition — and it’s clear they’re panicking. With these resources, we’ll be able to support winning legislative races across the country.”

This is a huge milestone for the committee, which set this goal in early January with no idea of what the year would bring. This record-breaking sum is the most ever raised by the committee and marks a landmark shift in resources for Democrats at the state level. This haul will support the DLCC’s work in building strong infrastructure and winning races across the country in the final days of this consequential election cycle.
