DLCC Launches Press Twitter, Virginia GOP Hall of Shame

Press Releases

WASHINGTON — With less than sixty days remaining before Virginia voters go to the polls, the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee is rolling out two new digital projects with paid advertising promoting them to shine a spotlight on Republicans’ terrible records: a new @DLCCPress twitter account and the Virginia GOP Hall of Shame.

The new @DLCCPress feed will serve as an extension of the DLCC’s press shop, sharing releases and articles that promote Democratic victories and hold Republicans accountable in state legislatures across the country.

DLCC Press Acount


“The DLCC press account will reveal what’s happening behind the doors of state chambers across the country and share early national trends that we spot first at the local level,” said DLCC press secretary Matt Harringer. “The DLCC is working overtime to ensure Democrats don’t lose sight of the races that have huge effects on our daily lives and an outsized impact on control of the US House for the next for the next decade.”

The Virginia GOP Hall of Shame will serve as a central source for a wide variety of controversial statements and positions that 19 right-wing Republican incumbents and candidates would prefer to sweep under the rug. 

The new site will be promoted in search results to help voters hold these candidates accountable as they try — and fail — to outrun their records and past statements.

“For years, Virginia’s Republican politicians have courted the right-wing of their party with anti-abortion, anti-health care, pro-gun lobby policies,” Harringer said. “The party of Donald Trump and Corey Stewart is completely toxic in the commonwealth and we’re going to hold these state legislators accountable for their records.”

The Virginia GOP is scrambling to defend its precarious majority in both the House and Senate, falling far behind Democrats in fundraising and grassroots enthusiasm. Democrats have to flip just two seats in both chambers to flip the General Assembly blue for the first time in two decades. 

Highlighted candidates include:


“Between their toxic stances on issues like LGBTQ equality, Medicaid, and gun safety and their outrageous public statements, the Virginia GOP has disqualified themselves from public office,” Harringer said. “These new tools will help us make sure that voters remember that on November 5th.”
