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DLCC President on Georgia Senate Restricting Voting Rights

Press Releases

WASHINGTON — In response to the Georgia Senate’s passage today of a bill that would eliminate no-excuse absentee voting, Democratic Legislative Campaign President Jessica Post released the following statement: 

“Republicans don’t want to let Americans exercise their freedom to vote. Instead of reckoning with their historic election losses, Georgia Republicans are putting up unnecessary barriers to voting. They don’t care about election integrity or our democracy; they just want to change the rules to help them win at any cost. These measures will disproportionately impact Black voters and other communities of color in Georgia — and that’s no coincidence. Republicans are doing everything they can to stop the communities that delivered Senators Ossoff and Warnock and President Biden to victory in Georgia from making their voices heard again in 2022. 

“We need to be crystal clear about the motivations of this legislation and the communities it aims to harm. Unfortunately, these assaults on voting rights are not specific to Georgia but are moving through legislatures across the country — all backed by Republicans. We need to stand up and fight their efforts to restrict access to the ballot box, because our democracy only works when every eligible voter has an equal opportunity to make their voice heard.” 

Already this year, state lawmakers have introduced over 250 bills in 43 states that would restrict access to voting. Republicans in states across the country are coordinating their efforts to rig election laws after losing the presidential election, and Georgia is ground zero for the new attack on one of Americans’ fundamental rights. Other bills moving through the General Assembly explicitly target Black church’s GOTV efforts by curtailing Sunday early voting and even outlawing giving snacks and water to voters in line at the polls. 
