DLCC Releases 2017 Election Day Playbook

Press Releases


November 2, 2017
Mara Sloan
DLCC Communications Director
[email protected]
DLCC Releases 2017 Election Day Playbook
Here’s what you need to know about state legislative elections on Nov. 7
WASHINGTON — Today the DLCC released its 2017 Election Day Playbook, highlighting critical state legislative elections happening on Nov. 7 in New Jersey, Virginia, Washington, and all over the country.
In Virginia, the DLCC named eight Virginia Democrats as Spotlight Races to watch and made early investments to make sure Democrats had the infrastructure and field programs in place to harness the grassroots enthusiasm that made it possible for Virginians to knock on over 1 million doors on behalf of the campaigns. Democrats are running a diverse and talented slate of candidates, including a record 43 women, who were inspired to step up and defend their communities from the extremist, right-wing policies Republicans are pushing in Richmond and Washington D.C. With 2020 redistricting on the horizon, Tuesday’s election is the first step in growing Democratic strength and influence in legislative chambers across the nation.
In New Jersey, Democrats have a chance to expand their already record-setting majorities in both legislative chambers. The DLCC named 10 New Jersey Democrats as Spotlight Races to watch. The DLCC looks forward to Democrat Phil Murphy’s gubernatorial victory and believes a strong Democratic-led legislature is imperative to ushering in a new era of state progress in New Jersey.
All eyes will be on Washington LD45 as Democrat and DLCC Spotlight Race candidate Manka Dhingra aims to restore Democrats’ control of the state Senate. The DLCC has invested heavily in this race and has been working closely with legislative leaders, partners, and in-state allies to make sure Manka’s campaign has everything it needs to win this Tuesday.
Since Trump’s inauguration, state Democrats have been laying the groundwork for success in legislative special elections by flipping eight contested Republican-held seats while Republicans have flipped zero. The DLCC looks forward to continuing its support of Democrats and building on our winning momentum heading into Virginia, New Jersey, Washington, and into the 2018 midterm elections.
For more information on any of these races or to schedule an interview with the DLCC, please contact Mara Sloan at [email protected].


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