DLCC Slams Arizona Republicans’ Fraudulent Election Review

Press Releases

WASHINGTON — After Cyber Ninjas released the initial report of its sham election review, DLCC President Jessica Post released the following statement slamming the Arizona Senate Republicans’ election review as an embarrassing, costly, and time-consuming scam: 

“No matter what results this sham review could have concluded, Joe Biden won the election. Let’s be very clear: the review’s extensive funding from Donald Trump supporters, inexperienced and wildly biased contractors, and theories plucked straight from QAnon message boards were a fraudulent attempt to undermine the election and overturn the will of the voters. The crack team orchestrating this gigantic sham stooped to new levels of absurdity, scouring ballots for bamboo fibers and watermarks in a pathetic attempt to prove the most ridiculous right-wing conspiracy theories about the election. This embarrassing process should be a wake up call to Republicans across the country to focus on the real issues facing their communities instead of conspiracy-fueled, sham election reviews. Senate President Karen Fann, Senator J.D. Mesnard, Senator Paul Boyer, and every Republican senator who allowed this charade to continue should apologize to Arizonans for this massive grift and colossal waste of everyone’s time and money. We’re also looking forward to the Arizona Senate’s next million-dollar investigation into whether Big Foot exists.” 

If it weren’t already abundantly clear that this election review was a massive grift, look no further than its funding, contractors, and methods:

As a result of this grift, Arizona taxpayers must now foot the nearly $3 million bill to replace the election equipment that was mishandled by these unaccredited firms.
